LOGICO, intelligence toy boy
Logico is a new learning system, developed in Germany since 1993. This device consists of planks and sheets of colorful pictures interesting. Very easy to use, thus making the children playing, thinking about the answers to many questions in this educational game. Logico recognized internationally by acquiring various international awards.
What are the benefits LOGICO?
As a means of playing that is educational, Logico make children feel at home "play", as well as develop imagination, sharpening logic, and improve their skills. Ax presentation also makes the children can learn to be independent, almost do not need assistance.
What are the advantages LOGICO?
Designed by considering the psychology of child development
Tend to be enjoyed as a game mengasikkan
Fostering creativity and imagination
Develop cognitive and motor skills
Logical thinking skills that lead to solving problems
Develop the ability to identify problems visually
Growing unyielding spirit and independent business
In groups, develop the ability to interact with others, through discussion and debate, an exciting debate
In the group, became a vehicle for communication training
Exciting, because the image colors, the choice of topics, and difficulty level of the highly varied
Secure and not easily damaged
Easy to play
What are the parts LOGICO?
LOGICO consists of a display board and a pack of paper with
sheets about the picture
On board are made of plastic which can crack diselipi sheets about
At the bottom and right side of the board there is the path to shift the pieces of colorful round attached
Sheets of paper containing questions on one side, and the answer on the other side
On the one (problem) there are cases (next krii) and jawanan option (on the right)
Questions may also be a link between the images on the left and right
All the pictures or questions marked with color dots in accordance with the color chip on the board aids
How to play LOGICO?
Enter a booklet on the board through the cracks of
Make sure all the pieces of color on boards located at the bottom
Note the color tiles to match the color dots on the image problem (identification process). Color chips on the board representing about marked with colored dots together
Find answers (relationship) the right of each question with the answer option that is available
Geserlah color chips representing over to the side of the right answer
And so on, until all the pieces on the bottom gets shifted right, and all questions answered
To check the answer, pull the paper over the board, reversed, and inserted again
The second side of the sheet of paper containing answers to questions, which marked the image on the right color dots in the correct order
If the sequence of color chips that have been shifted to the right of the board (from top to bottom) in exactly the same image sequence color dots on the answer sheet of paper, means the whole matter has been resolved correctly.
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